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Get insight from enrollment report

Get insight from enrollment report

Enrollment data plays an important role for guiding your education centre to improve sales strategy, and courses design. Besides, it also helps you to measure teachers’ performance and enhance human resource management. We have designed enrollment reports that are easy to read, so that you can get significant reports easily without spending extra time to consolidate huge amounts of data.

Follow up sales by report on first enroll and last enroll

First enrollment report lists the students who first enrolled courses or only take free trial lessons in a specific period. You may follow up with those students to get feedback from them about their free trial and understand more about their learning needs to motivate those students to enrol in regular courses.

Last enrollment report lists the students who last enrolled or quit and do not pay for courses afterwards in a specific period. You may base on the list to follow up on the reasons why the students don’t enrol future courses.

Discover the popularity of courses

You can evaluate the popularity of the courses by calculating the total number and hours of lessons taken by each class in the enrollment metrics report. For those classes that have many students, you can increase the time slots of these classes or spend more promotion budget on these courses. For classes with less students, you need to modify the course design to meet students’ needs.

Measure teachers’ performance by enrollment report

Enrollment metrics report measure the performance of each staff by calculating the total number and hours of lessons taken by each teacher. For the teachers who have more teaching hours or number of students, you can calculate their bonus according to this report to motivate teachers to pursue better performance.

