Balancing your cash drawer is an essential part of your learning centre’s daily routine. You can handily get the payment report that breaks down the total in various payment methods in SchoolTracs, then count collected cash and total up cheque, credit card etc. within the day to match totals with the payment report.
Monitor daily income correctly
Admin need to verify the amount of tuition fees have been collected at the end of day. The daily income report helps the admin to view a summary of the total customers’ payment grouped by a variety of payment methods, including cash, cheque, credit card, online payment etc. within the day. Admin can close the register and check the cash and cheque received against the records in the system. Owner can reconcile the transactions with the bank account easily. The financial performance of each branch is closely tracked down to day to day bases.

Trace transaction detail to eliminate discrepancy
After you sum up your cheques, cash, and online payment etc, and compare the totals to the payment report. If it does not match, you could dig into the payment details report to resolve discrepancy. For example, cash collected does not match with the cash totals in the payment report, you might dig out if a receipt is voided or refunded. The payment details report assists you to keep your cash book as accurate as possible and dig discrepancy easily.

Payment categorized by course
To know income by courses, saving your time to sort out a pile of receipts, the sales report shows you the number of students enrolled in a specific course in a custom date range. So that you can easily have a glance at income from different courses to compare which course sells best.