Many education centres offer discounts to attract new customers and retain existing customers. Common type of discount, such as membership schemes and early bird discounts. Membership schemes encourage loyalty to your education centre. Early bird discounts lock into the precious student’s summer time slot in advance. POS supports discount settings can auto-calculate the discount and save your training effort for the staff on all the discount schemes with less error.
Membership programmes increase retention rate
Offering a membership programme helps to retain students. Customers can either pay for membership or be given membership if their payment reaches an amount. In SchoolTracs POS, you can customise the membership tiers, for instance, diamond, gold and silver with a corresponding discount rate and the effective date range. The students can be assigned a tier having a valid period. The POS will automatically calculate the tuition with a discount, saving you time to check which tier the student belongs to and manually deduct the discount price.

Early bird discount for summer courses
Some education centres start early bird discounts for summer courses a few months before. On the one hand, you have more time for marketing promotion to enrol students as many as possible. On the other hand, you can prepare resources in advance, including teachers, teaching materials, and facilities. Selecting the courses open for early-bird discount, and setting early bird discount valid date range in POS, the discount will be invalid automatically at the end date, to guarantee you only offer the discount within the period.

Discount for the specific courses or products
You may offer discounts for new courses or during exam periods. Besides, you might offer a discount for products, e.g. teaching materials when students enroll in courses, products with excess inventory to get cash back. In SchoolTracs, you are flexible to specify the courses or products for price reduction in either percentage of the item amount or a fixed amount.